Cherish the Present

At the end of a year or start of a new year, it is also the period when we take the chance to tidy our homes.

Especially for those who celebrate Chinese New Year (CNY), the month before the festival is the right time to do spring cleaning.

除旧布新 meaning to get rid of the old to bring in the new!

At this point in time, it is handy to learn some tips on spring cleaning.

Recently, when meeting up with a friend, we were talking about her, and later in the evening, while browsing the library e-catalogue, I chance upon this comic book (known as manga in Japanese).

life-changing manga of tidying up by marie kondo

From the expert – Marie Kondo, or aka KonMari, who advises that we should focus on what to keep and not what to discard when we tidy. We should only keep items that spark joy in our lives.

I especially like the following paragraphs which emphasize that we should live in the moment and cherish who we are now – the present is of the utmost importance!

Who you are now is more important than memories of your past.