Diversify Your Identity in 10 Areas

I wrote about how I first encounter this concept of diversifying your identity from Mark Manson. How then can you diversify your identity?

What is diversifications?

When you hear of diversifications, does it remind you of investments? For investments, when diversifying, you can look at different asset classes – fixed income for example bonds, stocks, unit trusts, commodities (gold, silver), properties, art, wine, cash and cash equivalents etc. In each asset class, you can further break down the asset class, for example, blue-chips stocks, dividends stocks (e.g. REITs), growth stock.

If you buy any insurance which invest in participating funds, looking at the chart will give you a glimpse of how an organisation invests by diversifying between different assets. For example, you might see a chart that look somewhat like this:

Portfolio Chart

[Do note that this is a simplified asset allocation that might not apply to all. For financial advice based on your situation, please contact your financial adviser.]

Define your goals

First things first. Before you even think of diversifying your investments, you need to define your goal. Is it for retirement, your children’s university education or to upgrade to a new home or even a luxurious holiday? Second, what is the time frame you are looking at? Is it a short-term goal of a holiday, a mid-term goal of getting a car or a long-term goal of retirement? With these two in mind, you can calculate the amount of money that would be needed when the time comes.

Define the different roles you play

Similarly, when you think of how to diversify your identity, you can think about the different areas in your life and the roles you play. They could be in the personal aspect (personal development, health, hobbies etc.), family, career, religious/spiritual, friends, community etc. In each area, you can subdivide it into smaller focus.

Diversify your identity in 10 areas

Here are 10 areas of your life that you can think of diversifying.

  1. Diversify your personal self
    Keep learning – whether going back to school or informal learning by reading books, attending seminars and workshops. Aim to improve everyday, whether is it your communication skills, your emotional quotient, or the ability to relate to others.
  2. Diversify your health
    Everyone knows they need to eat healthier and exercise more. But how many take the necessary steps to follow through? To eat healthier, you could start by changing one eating habit. If you tend to eat a heavy dinner, could you cut back on your dinner portion?
    Getting bored and unmotivated by your exercise routine. Why not try new exercises that you have never done before? Or do the same exercise at a different location or timing?
    Go for a health check-up if it has been ages since you have done it. Early detection not only saves time and money but it can also save your life.
  3. Diversify your thoughts
    Is your mind too focused on one or two things currently? For example, stressed by work and bothered by family or personal matters? Diversify your thoughts by taking time to do something else. Try mediation for better concentration, visit a park and let the beauty of nature nourish you, go for an art or a music event to let the artistic expressions inspire you.
  4. Diversify your creations
    Are you restricted by your daily work that does not allow you creative expressions? Join a class or take up a hobby that allows you to create. Handicrafts, drawing, singing, cooking, designing or writing – whatever appeals to you. Create beautiful works of art.
  5. Diversify your family relationships
    Make time for your family members especially if you have always been busy with work and other personal activities. Start doing things together if you have not been doing so. Enjoy a meal, exercise, do grocery shopping or go on a trip together. Once in a while, surprise your family members by giving them a treat or a small gift for no particular reason.
  6. Diversify your career
    You can never find the career you love just by thinking about it. Try it out – whether is it taking on a temporary job, volunteering, or doing it on a part-time basis. Try something that you have never done before – for example if you have never sell before, take up a part-time job doing selling. Take up another job outside of your main job that is different to learn new skills or just for the fun of it. Start a business on the side. It can be a brick-and-mortar or online business.
  7. Diversify your spiritual needs
    Want to know more about another religion. Read a book on the religion or attend a religious service. Knowing more about another religion will also make you more tolerant of other people’s religion. Even if religion does not appeal to you, you can develop your spirituality by learning from the teachings of spiritual masters.
  8. Diversify your community involvement
    Join community events and get to know your neighbours. If you have the calling, volunteer in your community.
    Chit-chat with your local store owners, people you buy food, necessities and groceries from and get to know them better.
  9. Diversify your reading materials
    Do you always only read one genre of books? Instead of making a beeline to the same bookshelf in the library or local bookstore, pick up a different book on another shelf. Do you only read the daily newspapers and entertainment magazines? For a new days, ditch the daily newspapers and read the business papers and pick up an arts or a finance magazine.
  10. Diversify your spending habits
    If you spend too much on fashion and entertainment, why not allocate a portion of this for your learning and health needs? Use it to buy a few good books and some health or exercise products. Instead of spending all your money on yourself or your family, donate a portion of it to charity. Find a cause you believe in and commit to donating to it for 3 months, 6 months or a year.