Diversify Your Identity

Diversify – this is usually a word we use with regards to investments. When we invest, people always say “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments”. Recently, I came upon a website by Mark Manson who wrote an article elaborating an idea he heard from Timothy Ferris (Yes, the guy who wrote “The 4-hour Work Week”) about diversifying our identities.

If we have limited identities, and identify ourselves narrowly for example with our career, when we are retrenched or are unable to do the work anymore due to an accident, we would be devastated. But when we also see our value in our other roles in life, have interests and hobbies, the perceived “failure” of one aspect  of our life would not totally crush us.

For those interested in reading more about the article whereby Mark Manson shared what’s an identity and why you should invest in having multiple identities, read “Diversify Your Identity”.