Stair Climbing

Stair climbing is one of the best forms of exercise as it’s considered a form of vigorous exercise and burns more calories than jogging and can be done in a short period of time. Having not visited NTU for a few years, I was surprised to see stickers on the staircase stating how much energy we would use up by climbing 24 steps (3.45 kcal).

Amount of calories burnt from climbing the steps

Amount of calories burnt from climbing the steps

I’ve tried stair climbing as a form of exercise and it’s rather boring and I find it difficult to motivate myself to do it just for the sake of exercising. So, now is a great time to implement my stair climbing exercise, because my HDB block is undergoing HIP (Home Improvement Programme), and I need to go downstairs to use the toilet/shower facilities being set-up for the residents. From ground floor to my flat floor, there are 150 steps. I would have burn (0.075 x 150) 11.25 kcal each time I climb up to my flat.

For those who said they lack time to exercise, stair climbing is a great option if you don’t suffer from any knee or joint problem. The good news is the heavier you are, the more calories you burn so it’s a good form of exercise for losing weight.

Read this document to know more about the benefits of stair climbing.