Tag: confidence


“有志者立长志,无志者常立志”,这是一位慈祥的母亲为了鼓励儿子而说的话。 今天听着广播,DJ说他小时,妈妈曾对儿子说他是个无大志的人,儿子听了,觉得那么是不是说这辈子不会成功呢。妈妈鼓励儿子说“有志者立长志,无志者常立志”。 “有志者立长志,无志者常立志” can be translated as “Those who have aspirations will set long-term goals and work towards achieving their goals; those who do not have aspirations can set small goals often.”

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The Alphabet of Life

I chanced upon an article about using the alphabet to form positive words and then use these words for meditation and decided to pen a post about a list of positive words that could help us live a more beautiful life. Then I searched the word “alphabet” to check what’s listed on the search results for this word …

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