


一: 立命之学 ;
二: 改过之法 ;
三: 积善之方 ;
四: 谦德之效

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The Silk Road, Xuanzang and Journey to the West

The Silk Road was not only a trade route in the early centuries. It was also the route where religion spread. Travellers moving on the Silk Road, spread religion such as Buddhism from India to China. Many monks travelled from China to India and Xuanzang was the most famous Buddhist monk who went on this pilgrimage.

Xuanzang [From "Mediation & Health"]

Xuanzang [From “Mediation & Health”]

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MAKING: Workshop at Orchard NLB on 3D Printing

It’s no longer expensive and impractical for one to print your own accessories or figurines in a matter of minutes. Just last weekend, I attended the MAKING (3D printing workshop) at Orchard NLB. After attending another event in the Orchard library in March, I saw a group doing 3D printing, and put my name down their mailing list so that I would be informed the next time they have another workshop on 3D printing.

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Stair Climbing

Stair climbing is one of the best forms of exercise as it’s considered a form of vigorous exercise and burns more calories than jogging and can be done in a short period of time. Having not visited NTU for a few years, I was surprised to see stickers on the staircase stating how much energy we would use up by climbing 24 steps (3.45 kcal).

Amount of calories burnt from climbing the steps

Amount of calories burnt from climbing the steps

I’ve tried stair climbing as a form of exercise and it’s rather boring and I find it difficult to motivate myself to do it just for the sake of exercising. So, now is a great time to implement my stair climbing exercise, because my HDB block is undergoing HIP (Home Improvement Programme), and I need to go downstairs to use the toilet/shower facilities being set-up for the residents. From ground floor to my flat floor, there are 150 steps. I would have burn (0.075 x 150) 11.25 kcal each time I climb up to my flat.

For those who said they lack time to exercise, stair climbing is a great option if you don’t suffer from any knee or joint problem. The good news is the heavier you are, the more calories you burn so it’s a good form of exercise for losing weight.

Read this document to know more about the benefits of stair climbing.

Solar Eclipse on 9 March 2016

As it rained on 8 March 2016 morning, I was hoping that 9 March morning would be a fair one, as to enjoy the solar eclipse, we would need good weather.

The day started early for many Singaporeans on 9 March. I woke up early and enthusiastically made my way to the Science Centre, which mentioned that the event would start at 7.30 a.m. The maximum eclipse would occur at 8.23 a.m.

Wow, I was surprised that there were large crowds at the Science Centre when I reached around 7.20 a.m. So early in the morning, and many people, some with children in tow, had already arrived at the science centre, and joined queues patiently waiting to view the natural phenomenon using the venuscopes and telescopes.

Here are some of the photographs taken during the event.

Crowds at Science Centre while waiting to view the solar eclipse

Crowds at Science Centre waiting to view the solar eclipse


Solar glasses

Free solar glasses distributed


Solar eclipse taken with solar filters
Solar eclipse taken with solar glasses
Solar eclipse taken with venuscope
Solar eclipse taken with telescope with filter added
This was not the first time I went to the Science Centre to participate in the solar eclipse viewing, but it’s fascinating experience when you enjoyed the event with big crowds. With my solar glasses and still time left before the eclipse would end around 9.30 a.m., I rushed home and managed to let mum view the solar eclipse. While viewing the eclipse just beside our block of flats, several people passed by, and I cheerfully asked them if they wanted to view the eclipse and lent them the solar glasses.

I look forward to the next solar eclipse to be seen in Singapore, an annular eclipse, that will occur on 26 December 2019.  It’ll be more special, as mentioned by an article from www.gov.sg.

Following the March 9 solar eclipse, the next solar eclipse visible in Singapore will be on Dec 26, 2019. This solar eclipse will be even more special, as the Sun and Moon will be exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon will be smaller than that of the Sun, creating the appearance of a “ring of fire” in the sky. The scientific term for this phenomenon is an “annular eclipse”.
– See more at: http://www.gov.sg/news/content/today-online-rare-astronomical-event-singapore-to-experience-partial-solar-eclipse#sthash.BoLh0iY1.dpuf